Insulating Concrete Form (ICF)
Over the past several years, Insulating Concrete Forms (ICF) construction has taken a foothold in residential and commercial developments. By using ICF, not only has it been possible to economically produce concrete wall elements, but the heat insulation properties (R-value) of the finished elements are dramatically increased over that of conventional, insulated wood framing. With the recent fluctuation in lumber and plywood prices, ICF construction is now cost-comparable with conventional framing. Over the next 5-10 years, DGE expects ICF construction to continue to be an economically viable construction method for these types of projects, and to substantially increase in market share. There are many occasions where established prescriptive design methods are applicable to residential projects. However, because of code applicability limits, many jurisdictions require an ICF project to be designed and sealed by a Licensed Professional Engineer. DGE is pleased to be able to offer effective and economic structural solutions for ICF projects, and to assist their clients with the permit approval process.